Issue tracker

Advanced issue search

We track the issues in ZFS-FUSE here — you need to be registered with the site to report bugs.

If you can, please log in before submitting your issue.


  • If you want to attach a non-text attachment to a bug report, please go to the Wiki area, click Add new…, then File or Image as necessary, upload the file, and paste a link to the uploaded file in your bug report.  We deeply apologize for this inconvenience while we fix it.
  • We dearly ask of you only one thing: before reporting a bug here, check if it has been reported in the old tracker.  If it has, please continue with the bug report here, but include a link to the old bug so we can get the full context and fix your issue ASAP.

Open issues

Click an area, release or issue state to see all open issues in that category. For more advanced search options, click “search for issues”.

By area

  • User interface (5)
  • Functionality (31)
  • Process (10)
  • Web site (0)

By target release

  • 0.6.0 (0)
  • 0.7.0 (6)
  • 0.6.9 (1)

By state

  • All pending issues (46)
  • Confirmed (7)
  • In progress (4)
  • Postponed (2)
  • Rejected (15)
  • Resolved (63)
  • Tested and confirmed closed (2)
  • Unconfirmed (35)